One-piece Swimsuit Design and Sewing Class

This class is created for surface pattern designers however if you are not a pattern designer you can still benefit from this class jumping right into the lessons about how to make sewing patterns using Tailornova. Use any fabric you want.
Are you a surface pattern designer who knows the basics of sewing?
In this class you will learn how to create custom-made PDF sewing patterns made to measure to print on your printer. No sewing pattern drafting skills required but a minimum advanced beginner level of sewing skills.
Are you a sewist who is thrilled to make a beginner friendly swimsuit?
Don’t worry! You can skip the whole pattern design part and jump right in the sewing process!
You will use Tailornova, the online sewing pattern generating platform.
You will create the sewing pattern of a dress to learn how the platform works so after the class you will be able to make plenty of different garments.
You will learn how to prepare your file for printing in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop or where to find seamless patterns.
You will learn how to choose the best fabric for your project and upload your file for printing on Spoonflower or other Print on Demand websites.
Taking the class:
You will know how to create custom-made sewing patterns for you, your Mom or any woman around you. Mens wear patterns are available as t-shirts and shirts at the moment on Tailornova.
You will be able to shine on social media wearing your own printed garments.
You will reduce your carbon footprint creating your own sustainable clothes.